Call for Abstract

10th World Congress on Depression and Anxiety, will be organized around the theme “Advanced treatment strategies and research methodologies implemented Depression and Anxiety”

Depression 2023 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Depression 2023

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes due to depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, sleepless ness or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. It affects any age group of people living with depression is very difficult. Some talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, and psychotherapy work well for people suffering from depression. When the condition is critical anti-depressants are recommended to patients suffering from depression but they may have some side effects. Depression is a mental illness and can be very intense and even life threatening is a depressed person feels suicidal.

Anxiety is an emotion characterised by feelings of feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. Anxiety disorders occur when the reaction is out of proportion than the normal situation symptoms include high blood pressure and nausea. Environmental factors like stress for personal relationships, financial problems, and shortage of oxygen are some of the causes of anxiety. Side effects of medicines, genetics, and brain chemistry are some causes of anxiety.

Stress management is a broad spectrum of psychotherapies and techniques focussed to control persons stress levels. There are many research strategies for managing stress through proper planning. Many studies have shown that relaxation tools such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and clinical hypnosis are helpful for managing stress. Anxiety and irritability are common responses to stress.

Suicide is that the act of killing yourself, most frequently as a result of depression or different mental disorders. In the US, suicide accounts for concerning two % of all deaths. Rates are highest for men over sixty nine, however are increasing alarmingly in Youngsters aged fifteen to twenty four. Offering help and support, respond quickly in crisis can help to prevent suicides. 90% of people who commits suicide suffer from lot of mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorderschizophrenia, or alcoholism

Depressive disorder is a long term; recurrence is associated with high levels of disability and mortality. It has a neurobiological basis and is associated with functional and structural brain abnormalities. Genetic vulnerability and stress are the main factors that cause and development of a disease. Dysregulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reduces hippocampal volumes and anterior cortex (PFC) activity in depressed patients and disrupts physiological state inside the neurocircuit of depression. Antidepressants increase brain-derived neurotrophin, restoring vegetative cell growth and activity and modulate interactions between the neurocircuit anatomical structures.

Deep Brain Stimulation, is one of the latest approved new treatment for tremors and Parkinson’s includes implantation of mind pace maker which transmits electrical impulses to specific parts of cerebrum, this technique has been successful in clinical trials particularly for the people who are impervious to most different endeavours at treatment, it's an exceedingly obtrusive surgical system that requires direct upkeep, and may not be conceivable or advantageous for a few patients.

The modulation of brain perform via the appliance of weak electrical energy was initial determined directly within the early nineteenth century. Within the past three decades, trans cranial magnetic stimulation and deep brain stimulation have undergone clinical translation, providing alternatives to medical specialty treatment of neurologic and medicine disorders. Additional development of novel Neuromodulation techniques using ultrasound, micro-scale magnetic fields and optogenetics is being propelled by a quickly up understanding of the clinical and experimental applications of unnaturally stimulating or depressing brain activity in human health and malady.


Everyone experiences fear from time to time. Specific phobias develop in childhood between the ages of 7 and 11. While ordinary fears cause minor anxiety and can be more easily overcome, specific phobias physically and/or psychologically impair the affected individual to such an overwhelming extent that it is disabling to their daily life. Phobias are five types they are animal phobias, Natural environmental phobias, Blood injection or injury phobias, Situational phobias and other phobias. Mental Health professionals can treat phobias which involve cognitive behaviour therapy and medication or both.


Stress causes insomnia by making it difficult to fall asleep by affecting the quality of your sleep. The effect of stress on sleep duration and quality may be a reflection of how people cope with stress. Stress could be a reaction to danger or weight. Due to pressure we tend to might tend to feel anxious, strained, or tense. The pressure reaction is often physical, as well. Stress triggers a surge of a harmone referred to as adrenaline; this harmone incidentally influences the sensory system of a person. Many health problems caused by stress include depression and anxiety, pain of any kind sleep problems autoimmune disorders digestive problems. A sleeping disorder itself can create changes in inclination and moves in hormones and physiology can cause every medicine problems and a sleeping disorder within the meanwhile.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental and neurological disorders that begins in childhood and lasts throughout the life people with ASD cannot communicate and interact with other people there is a wide variation in type and severity of person’s symptoms so it is known as Spectrum. Additional Evaluation and General Developmental Screening during Well-Child Check-ups are the two diagnosis in young children which improves behaviour skills and language development. There are many typed of autism spectrum disorders like high function autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Pervasive developmental disorders, Rett syndrome.

Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual intercourse, with perpetrators mistreatment force, creating threats or taking advantage of victims ineffective to allow consent. Most victims and perpetrators grasp one another. Immediate reactions to statutory offense embrace shock, worry or disbelief. Long symptoms embrace anxiety, worry or post-traumatic stress disorder. Excessive intake of alcohol and drugs leads to severe health disorders this is known as substance use disorders. Many people with substance use problem have depressionanxiety, emotional distress, attention deficit disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health problems.


Mental Health professionals recognised mood disorder symptoms in children and adults. They both do not have similar symptoms it is more difficult to diagnose symptoms in children because they cannot able to express their feelings. 70% of females experience depression than males. The most common types of mood disorders are Major depression,

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), Bipolar disorder, Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, Mood disorder due to a general medical condition, Substance-induced mood disorder.

Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorders are psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia is characterised by symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. They lack the ability to think, symptoms may vary from person to person mild to moderate. Psychotic symptoms are seen during mania and depression in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychotropic drugs are used to treat psychotic disorders second generation antipsychotics are effectively helpful than older first generation antipsychotics.

We can create a balanced lifestyle with yoga. Lot of people became health conscious to maintain their mental and spiritual fitness. One way that most people are able to succeed in balancing physical, mental, and spiritual needs is through yoga. It is a psychical fitness exercise. Holistic drugs, or “holistic health”, may be a belief that each the physical and mental aspects of life. Holistic health is sometimes related to the subject of other drugs; however it's turning into additional thought during this day and age.

Psychopharmacology is the study of drugs that which shows their effect on mood, sensation, thinking, and behaviour. It involves the study of drugs and psychiatric illnessneuroimagingpharmacogenetics, cognitive science, and biomarkers are also involved in this study. Antidepressants and stimulants are wide range of classes which researchers are interested in.


Mentalbhealth foundation organise mental health awareness week every year and the theme is mindfulness which is an important part in mental wellbeing. Practising of mindfulness helps on to become emotionally stronger, reduce stress increases self-awareness. It helps the people to change the way they think it is a treatment for people with mental health problems. An open and accepting attitude and Awareness are the two components which help to bring relief.

Many Adults are at the risk of having mental health problems. Now, this doesn’t depend on the age. Studies show that the rate of Adults falling into depression, anxiety or stress due to physical illness is less than that of those who get mentally distressed due to important changes in life. Many will slowly adjust to the changes. But there are many who are unable to accept and fall into loop of anxiety, stress and depression.

·         Gender Mental Health

·         Alcohol, Cannabis and Mental Health

·         Mental Health of women in Mid life

·         Self-harm

A mental illness, usually called a mental disorder, a psychiatry disorder is a behavioural and mental pattern which causes mental distress and personal functioning impairment. This can be either repetitive, relapsing or occur as a single episode. There are many mental disorders including Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, schizophrenia, personality disorder, and bipolar disorder. The causes of mental illness are often vague.

  • The Interplay of Physical and Mental Health
  • Mental Illness in Children
  • Factors Causing Mental Illness/Disorder
  • Gender Dysphoria
  • Mental Health and Social Problems
  • Terrorism and Mental Illness
  • Treatment for Mental Illness

ICD is a mental disorder characterized by impulsivity i.e. failure to resist temptations; an urge or impulse; or inability to not speak on a thought. The common ICDs are sexual compulsions, internet addiction, compulsive shopping, pyromania, kleptomania, and Intermittent-Explosive Disorder (IED).


·         Intermittent explosive disorder

·         Compulsive sexual behaviour

·         Oppositional defiant disorder

·         Conduct disorder

·         Pyromania & Kleptomania

These are the disorders that generally originate from childhood that involve serious damage in different areas. These include Autism Spectrum disorder, ADHD, learning disorders, motor disorders, and conduct disorder. These disorders show symptoms from early life. With the growth of the individual, some disorders improve but others stay in the late period of life.


·         Learning Disability

·         Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation)

Bipolar disorder is a psychological condition characterized by severe shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to think clearly. An individual suffering from bipolar can have extreme episodes of highs and lows known as mania and depression. Symptoms and signs of bipolar may vary. Some people experience extreme case of mania and depression distinctively, others may pass extended periods without symptoms.


·         Cyclothymic Disorder

·         Mania and Depression

·         Anxiety and ADHD

·         Brain Structure and Functioning

This is a class of mental disorders in which an individual have a pattern of thinking and functioning that will be completely contradicting to the social norms and styles. These people will have difficulty in perceiving and relating to situations and people. Personality disorder involves Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Myth mania, mood disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder.


·         Paranoid personality disorder

·         Schizotypal personality disorder

·         Antisocial personality disorder

·         Borderline personality disorder

·         Histrionic personality disorder

DD is a mental disorder that involves disruption of memory, identity and awareness. The trigger agents for dissociative disorders can be psychological trauma, stress, and drug use.

  • Dissociative identity disorder

  • Depersonalization/derealisation disorder

  • Dissociative amnesia

Dementia generally occurs after periodic occurrence of a set of related symptoms that is caused due to a head injury or disease. The symptoms involve major memory, thinking and behavioral impairments. Dementia can cause a significant effect on the individual, relationships and caregivers.

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common causes for dementia. The symptoms that are usually seen involve memory loss and word finding difficulty. There is no exact cause for Alzheimer’s but the known aspect of this disease in the dysfunction in the genes producing amyloids.

Other types include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, Frontotemporal dementia, and Huntington’s disease dementia.


  • Types of Dementia
  • Neurogenesis in Dementia
  • Global Prevalence of Dementia
  • Topical Researches on Dementia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can tamper one’s ability to think clearly, mange emotions and relate to people. It can be characterized by relapsing episodes of psychosis. Some of the major symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, social withdrawal, apathy and disorganized thoughts.

A 2019 study shows that there were in an average of 20 million cases of schizophrenia around the globe. The cause of schizophrenia can be environmental and genetic factors.

  • Schizoaffective disorder

  • Delusional disorder

  • Brief Psychotic disorder

  • Schizophreniform disorder

  • Catatonia

Psychology is the study of conscious, unconscious phenomena along with feelings and thoughts. The science of behaviour and mind is psychology. It is a bridge between the natural and social science. A psychologist aims to understand the behaviour individuals or groups.

Psychiatry is a medical degree particularly focusing on diagnosing, preventing and treating mental disorders. The word Psychiatry literally means ‘medical treatment of soul’ and specifically concentrates on the mind.

  • Abductive Reasoning

  • Cognitive Psychology

  • Developmental Psychology

  • Experimental Psychology

  • Social Psychology

  • Clinical Psychology

  • Resilience and Ability

  • Psychological Resilience

Addiction is term used to define an individual who depends particularly on a substance or behaviour. This urge becomes so important that the individual will continue consuming the substance or engaging in the activity even when it is harmful for them, their family and the important areas of their life. Some of the addiction such as alcoholism, substance abuse, internet addiction, pornography, gambling, smartphone addiction, nicotine, and opioid are the causes for brain damage/ disorders.

  • Behavioural Addictions

  • Pain and Addiction

  • Forensic Issues in Addiction

  • Substance Use Disorders in Youths and Adults

  • Abuse vs Addictive Substance

  • Addictions among Youth and Teen

  • Addictive Rehabilitation

Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness in the whole. Study proves that 3 in 100 people have experienced psychotic episode at one point in their life. Many define psychosis as a break from reality. The early symptoms show the individual losing the contact with reality. Psychosis shows a range of symptoms, but it particularly includes Hallucinations, hearing or feeling things that are not present, and Delusions, idiosyncratic belief that is firmly maintained despite being refuted by what is rational.

  • CBT for Psychosis
  • Affective Disorder
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Menstrual Psychosis
  • Psychoactive Drugs
  • Counselling for Psychosis
  • Psychosis Therapy

Psychotherapy is an implementation of psychological methods especially while having a personal interaction, done to help individual change behaviour, increase happiness and overcome problems. Some know therapies are psychological therapy and talking therapy.

  • Regulations in Psychotherapy
  • Difference types in Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Family-Focused Therapy
  • Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy
  • Psycho education
  • Person-centred Psychotherapy

The technique used for assessing an individual’s personality, behaviour, cognitive abilities and other fields called psychological evaluation. The main aim of modern psychological evaluations is to understand someone’s psychological life that can be inhibiting their ability to feel or behave in more proper or positive ways. The set of tests administered to evaluate behaviour, personality and capabilities of individuals called psychological assessment. Testing sessions are typically scheduled during the morning when most people function at their best.

  • Different Methods in Psychological Assessments
  • Psychological Assessment Tools
  • Psychological Assessment in Adults
  • Psychiatric Assessment & Evaluation for Children
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Clinical & Forensic Assessment
  • New Strategies in Psychological Evaluation

Mental health treatment not only requires improving but maintaining a complete and satisfying life. Most people say they haven't found a clear, smooth way to recovery. Alternating ups and downs, new discoveries and relapses occur. With time, they look back and see how far they have really come, given the stopping progress and discouragements.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation aims to provide the optimal level of functioning of individuals and societies, and the minimization of disabilities and handicaps, stressing individuals' choice on how to live successfully in the community.

  • Trans-diagnostic Interventions
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation
  • PSR Approaches in the Major Life Domains
  • PSR and Recovery
  • Psycho-Social Rehabilitation combined with other Clinical Approaches
  • Family Involvement and Support - Family Psycho Educational Interventions
  • Peer Support and Peer Delivered Approaches

Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi define positive psychology as "the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life.”

Positive Psychology aims on Eudaimonia, a Greek word meaning ‘good spirit’ translated as ‘happiness’ or ‘wellness’. Positive psychology is the study of what makes life worth living, concentrating on societal and individual well-being.

  • Positive Emotions and Positive Individual Traits
  • Principles of Positive Psychology
  • Science of Happiness
  • Positive Education
  • Positive Emotions & Positive Workplace
  • Positive Resonance and Loving - Kindness
  • Mindscapes and Outcomes of Positivity
  • Positive Psychotherapy
  • Spirituality and Philosophy
  • Happiness and Well-Being

Mental health nursing also known as psychiatric nursing is an appointed person who is specialized in mental health and takes care of people from all age group experiencing mental health disorders. Nurses involved in psychiatry are trained to build psychiatric alliances, deal with challenging behaviours, and administer psychiatric medications. They are also trained in psychological therapies.

  • Cultural, Legal and Ethnic Considerations
  • Building the Nurse -Client Relationship
  • Therapeutic Interventions
  • Nursing Practice for Psychiatric Disorders
  • Advancing Psychiatric Nursing Practice

Stigma is when people around see you with negativity due to your mental illness. The social stigma of mental health has widespread problems. Stigma involves social stigma and self-stigma. Supporting stigma can worsen the condition of the person already suffering from mental disorders.

  • Social Stigma
  • Perceived Stigma or Self-Stigma
  • Factors Affecting Stigma
  • Stigma and Discrimination
  • Overcoming Stigma
  • Prevention of Stigma Mental Health

Clinical trials are investigation studies that test how well new medical methods work in people. Each study answers technical queries and attempts to find better ways to prevent, monitor for, analyze, or treat a disease. Every clinical trial has a protocol, or procedure, for conducting the trial. Each study has its own rules about who can take part. Several studies need volunteers with a certain disease. Some need healthy people. Others want just men or just women and several want animals as models. Its role is to;

  1. Make sure that the study is proper
  2. Protect the rights and welfare of the members
  3. Make sure that the hazards are sensible when associated to the potential benefits
  • Clinical Practice
  • Data Management
  • Data Analytic Procedures

The psychological effects of the pandemic are better described in terms of the medical and psychological issues that occurred before the pandemic and the path plastic impact of the pandemic on these issues; reactions to social isolation and lockdown; psychological reaction to the diagnosis, public response to those with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 infection. The social gap and lockdown have also contributed to many improvements in day-to-day activities, redistribution of homework, comprehensive work from home and more time spent with those who live togethe.

Mental Health problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, and many more are most common in LGBTQ+ people.

Being a part of LGBTQ+ community does not affect them much. However, the discrimination and biasness does throw them to the verge of mental breakdown. Research shows that more than half of LGBTQ+ is suffering from discrimination; rejection etc. is driving them to the risk of suffering from depression. Three out of five LGBTQ+ people aging from 18-24 are suffering from anxiety issues and rest are just avoiding interaction.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Stigma and Discrimination